Hey There! My name is Ashley, and I'm a desperate middle-schooler looking for good, clean tween\
teen books! I have grown up with really high standards, and lately I have had to shut a book that was just getting good because of content. I am an extremely passionate and serious writer, which gives me a different outlook on novels. Here I will review novels with a star rating (1-5) and a content rating (see "My Ratings" page). I have a long list of books to check out (see "My List" page) , so stay tuned for upcoming reviews! My goal is 3-5 posts a week, not only with reviews but also writing inspiration.
That was about the blog. As for me, I love to read (shocker!). Writing is my true passion though and they say that the best thing for a writer is to read, so this is a real motivator! I am a proud mormon, click on my button the the sidebar if you want to be truly happy! My loves are: Chocolate, movies, music, fettuccine Alfredo, and exploring pinterest and other blogs. I also play the flute, and I get a lot of cool and free music here.
I am also pretty weird. I enjoy doing weird and nerdy things. For example a couple of weeks ago I left a very loving note in Catching Fire for a lucky reader. :) While I am not a whovian, I do enjoy Doctor Who (thanks to my Middle School Writers Club). I am a potterhead though, I really don't like Twilight or the Fault in our Stars, I love Lois Lowry (In fact, I wrote her a letter, and she replied!!!) and the River of Time Series. I once was a Veyniac but that love is dying down. I am an avid Steampunk fan. Steampunk is amazing. Steampunk is awesome.
Whoa, I really sound like a nerd huh? Well I am social, as a matter of fact, and I do normal stuff other than reading :)
Check me out on Pinterest. For MY account go HERE for the Blogs account go HERE. Please follow! I am very pinteresting (horrifically terrible and way too cliche pun, I sincerely apologize)
Well! You certainly got your share of a long post. I love questions, so if you have any about me (ex. what was the most embarrassing thing ever in the history of embarrassment that happened to you that you don't want to share?) please comment!
Bye for now,
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