Distant Waves by Suzanne Weyn
Summary: (amazon)
Jane begins her tale with her childhood, as her recently widowed mother struggles to care for her family. While in New York City, they are assisted during an earthquake by the scientist Nikola Tesla, who explains that he caused the event with his latest invention, a device based on the concept that "everything vibrates." Inspired by this idea, and the possibility that it applies to the spirit world, Jane's mother decides to move her daughters to a community of mediums in upstate New York and support them by pursuing her "gift." When Jane is 16, she travels to New York City with her older sister to interview Tesla for a journalism contest and meets his assistant Thad, adding a romantic interest. Several months later, Jane's family travels to England for an international convention of spiritualists. Afterward, two of her sisters board the Titanic, and when their mother hears a prediction that the ship will sink, Jane tries to retrieve them, but is stuck onboard. She makes the ill-fated journey along with Thad and Tesla (who has brought several inventions that could either save the ship or destroy it). Told in gripping first-person narrative, this novel features interesting characters and creates a strong sense of time and place, while exploring the mysteries of the spirit world. An author's note separates fiction from fact and shares further details about real people and events
My Thoughts:
While Google-ing "YA Titanic Novels" this one popped up on GoodReads. I was skeptical about it being "clean" because of the romance aspect (I'm really sensitive about romance in books). But it was really interesting. The spiritualism is an unique aspect, but there was too much of that and not enough "Titanic." The writing was boring, characters boring (actually, I loved Thad) but it was pretty good! I would recommend this book, it would make a great book club read.
My Rating: Three Stars (It was decent)
Content Rating:Cautious--kissing, romance, deep descriptions of when the Titanic sank
PG13 12 and up
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