Friday, May 30, 2014

Book Review: Dairy Queen


Dairy Queen by Catherine Gilbert Murdock


When you don’t talk, there’s a lot of stuff that ends up not getting said.
Harsh words indeed, from Brian Nelson of all people. But, D. J. can’t help admitting, maybe he’s right.
When you don’t talk, there’s a lot of stuff that ends up not getting said.
Stuff like why her best friend, Amber, isn’t so friendly anymore. Or why her little brother, Curtis, never opens his mouth. Why her mom has two jobs and a big secret. Why her college-football-star brothers won’t even call home. Why her dad would go ballistic if she tried out for the high school football team herself. And why Brian is so, so out of her league.
When you don’t talk, there’s a lot of stuff that ends up not getting said.
Welcome to the summer that fifteen-year-old D. J. Schwenk of Red Bend, Wisconsin, learns to talk, and ends up having an awful lot of stuff to say.

My Thoughts:

This has been on my list for a long time. It definitely got me hooked at the beginning but it kind of fell apart after that. There was some language that bothered me and some crude parts. I really couldn't connect with any of the characters, but I liked the writing. Don't listen to the review and the cover makes no sense. The idea is jumbled and I thought the book was going to go one day but it went in a totally weird direction. Overall it was nicely written and generally pretty clean, and it was a decent Saturday read.

Content: Cautious--drama, language, gay mentioning, drinking, crude parts

My Rating: Three Stars (it was decent)

PG, 12 and Up

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